21 Perks of Tying the Knot with a Tech Pro
By Callie Malvik on 12/16/2014
Many people assume information technology (IT) jobs consist of long hours of seclusion writing lines and lines of code hunched over a desk. The truth is that most IT jobs are not boring at all, and neither are the people who work them!
IT pros are often stereotyped by those who don’t know them as being egocentric and anti-social. But chances are good that neither of these terms wouldn’t be included in your description of the perfect mate.
But there are plenty of people who insist having a tech pro by your side comes in handy in many everyday situations. We connected with some IT pros and those who love them to get the lowdown on some of the little known perks of tying the knot with a tech pro.
You should marry an IT pro because…
1. They are excellent grocery shoppers
Dave Kaltenbach has worked in technology his whole life and just celebrated his 20th wedding anniversary. He says his wife appreciates his extreme efficiency when it comes to grocery shopping. Every purchase is deliberate and methodical and there is no such thing as an impulse buy.
2. You’ll have access to 24/7 tech support
You’ll never have to wait on hold for an hour to speak to a computer support specialist about restarting your wireless internet. Forget forking over $200 for a technician to make an on-site visit to fix that glitch in your high-definition TV. These are quick and easy fixes for your tech pro!
3. They’ll never forget important dates
Many jobs in IT are extremely meticulous. The attention-to-detail these professionals possess often spills over into their personal lives as well. This means you’ll never have to worry about your significant other forgetting your birthday or anniversary.
4. You’ll get the most thoughtful gifts
Speaking of important dates, you can also count on receiving some really special gifts. Sem Ponnambalam has been married to her tech pro for four years and claims the personal gifts she gets from him are always extremely meaningful. She says his nerdy nature causes him to fully investigate every item to ensure it’s the perfect choice for her.
5. You’ll get more life out of your devices
Think about all the times you’ve bought a new phone, computer or tablet because your old one started running slowly—or worse, you fell victim to a cyber-attack.
IT pros know all the tricks to keep old (and compromised) devices running their best. Share a home with one, and you might save hundreds, or thousands, of dollars on tech.
6. Everyone will want to be their friend
Everyone loves to have their own personal tech professional to call on when needed. Ponnombalam says her husband is “Mr. Popular” because friends, family and neighbors often call him for help. The residential IT super hero (and his or her significant other) will always be on the guest list for every happy hour and neighborhood barbeque!
7. They’re excellent problem solvers
The very nature of most IT jobs is to solve problems. Tech professionals have a knack for devising uncommon solutions to everyday problems. So if you’re ever locked out of your car and all you have is a pop can and a stick of gum, your partner can probably find a solution.
8. They’re remarkably resourceful
In those instances where they can’t discover the answer on their own, give them five minutes on their laptop and they’ll provide you with 10 possible solutions. Tech pros know their way around the Internet and can uncover credible, underground information for every situation.
9. Your phone will ALWAYS be charged
There’s nothing more annoying than having a low battery on your smartphone. Diana Santaguida says her tech pro husband makes sure their devices are always charged, updated and in pristine condition. Being married to a tech pro means you’ll always have an endless supply of chargers, USB sticks and keyboards.
10. They won’t play mind games with you
IT professionals tend to be logical problem-solvers. This can be really helpful when it comes to relationship conflict. It can be maddening at times too, but hey--a partner who generally wants to solve problems can be a really nice thing to rely on.
11. You’ll never lose important pictures or documents
No need to panic if your computer crashes or you accidentally delete the folder with your wedding photos—your spouse will save the day! Ponnambalam says her husband is always there to retrieve important files and also keeps everything backed up in case of emergency.
12. You can enjoy some occasional alone time
It’s always nice to have some time to yourself every once in a while. Self-proclaimed tech geeks often have some quirky obsessions. So when your spouse is busy mastering the latest version of “World of Warcraft” or indulging in a “Lord of the Rings” marathon, you can appreciate some much-needed “you time.”
13. They’re unbelievably loyal
“When we decide marriage is for us, it serves a purpose and has reason,” says Kaltenbach.
He says IT pros like him tend to be extremely loyal. They analyze everything before making a decision. So when it comes to something as serious as marriage, they’re in it for the long haul. He admits he dislikes big changes, which results in the stability and security his wife appreciates.
14. You’ll always have the best product reviews
Santaguida says her husband always puts her in a power position as a consumer because he provides her with the most accurate data on all the latest tech gadgets. She says he often uncovers research and data points that others simply can’t find.
15. You’ll have a personal technical term translator
Trying to decipher complicated things like instruction manuals can make your head spin. Having a tech whiz on your arm means they can always explain technical jargon in Layman’s terms.
16. You’ll get to try new things
The tech industry is constantly in flux, meaning IT professionals must enjoy learning new things or they will quickly become irrelevant. Ponnambalam says her husband’s love of learning extends to things like attempting new recipes, which she enjoys!
“For him, it’s like programming. He is programming a new recipe,” she adds.
17. You’ll learn things you never thought you would
Ponnambalam also says her husband’s thirst for knowledge is contagious. She is constantly learning new things as he will immediately regurgitate the information he learns. So whether it’s health-related or some new technique or technology, she is always up to date with the latest news and knowledge.
18. They’re particularly patient
Digging through hundreds of lines of code to find an error is tedious work, as are many other IT job duties. It takes a very tolerant person to work in this field. So waiting for you to try on several shoes before deciding on the perfect pair or tacking on an extra hour to your road trip because you refuse to ask for directions won’t faze your partner!
19. Your personal data will always be on lockdown
New headlines about security breaches and identity theft are popping up left and right these days. Having an IT pro by your side will ensure that you don’t fall victim to cybercrime. Your spouse will have several defenses in place to keep your data secure.
20. Your house will always be organized
Ponnambalam says her house isn’t particularly neat, but it’s always organized in an orderly way. Your books and DVD collection will be arranged in a purposeful, practical way. She adds that her husband completes chores in a strange but efficient ways, sometimes multiple tasks happening simultaneously.
21. You’ll never get ditched for a sporting event
Kaltenbach reveals that, like him, most IT pros aren’t big sports fanatics. This means you won’t be left to fend for yourself every Sunday while your spouse spends hours watching football or get roped into playing in a co-ed volleyball league.
“Think about it—how many IT schools have great football teams,” he jokes.
Why not tie the knot?
You’re now aware there are several practical perks of getting hitched to a tech pro. From the most significant factors like financial security and loyalty to the little things like household chores, these spouses make everyday life a bit easier and more enjoyable.
Our sources prove IT pros are a great catch! Are you interested in joining their ranks? Not only will you impress potential partners but you could also attract eager employers. Learn more about why there’s no better time than NOW to work in IT!
Are you or someone you know married to an IT pro? Share this article and add any additional perks in the comments below!
- Dave Kaltenbach, owner of 2021Training
- Diana Santaguida, co-founder of SEOcial.com
- Sem Ponnambalam, chief operating officer at XAHIVE