The Career and Networking Expo was open to the public, and held on several campuses from Sept. 9 – 13. Attendees were able meet with potential employers, learn of new job opportunities and develop their job-hunting skills through resume critiques and mock interviews.
Suzanne Callinan, a senior recruiter for TCF Bank, was happy with how the Brooklyn Park career expo went.
“We had a lot of people stop at our table and ask questions about what we were looking for as a company and what jobs we had available,” Callinan said. “It was great.”
While the opportunity to visit with employers is an obvious benefit to attending the Career Expo, the resume critiques and mock interviews provide valuable advice that might actually have a bigger impact on attendee’s future job prospects. With most employment seekers facing a competitive job market, a few small changes to your resume or interviewing technique can sometimes go a long way toward getting yourself to stand out from the crowd.
Kat Butler, a recruiter at New Horizon Academy, offered this advice to future Career Expo attendees.
“Be ready to discuss in detail what you’re looking for in a position and have your resume and references available,” Butler said. “Also, remember the hiring process is a two-way street, so don’t be afraid to take the initiative to follow through and contact the people you meet afterward.”

Chantel Ogren, who graduated in September 2012, attended the Career Expo in search of medical assistant positions.
“In the past, I’ve had a few interviews but they’ve wanted prior experience, [which I didn’t have], so that’s been kind of difficult,” Ogren said. “But the career fair does help in that I can meet recruiters, and get my face in front of them, so it’s easier for them to remember me when it is time to fill a position.”
Recent graduate Patrick MacGregor just began his career search, but found the expo to be helpful.
“I just graduated in August, so at first I was kind of excited to have some free time, but after a week or so, it’s not [so] fun,” MacGregor said. “It was good to get a chance to talk with a few firms and hear about their opportunities. Target probably caught my eye the most.”
Fortunately, most students have taken several steps ahead by attending the Career Expo because “80 percent of jobs are not posted online,” said Charity Morrow, a Rasmussen College career services advisor.
“It really is about who you know,” Morrow said. “And with a Career Expo, you are able to network and meet with the actual hiring manager from specific companies. In the case of our college, a company cannot attend a Career Expo unless they are for sure hiring.”
Tell us in the comments below: How has the Career Expo benefited you?