Staff and students from the campus helped widows Pearl Lee and Jeanette Karst dust cabinets, clean windows, move and mop behind appliances and relocate heavy objects throughout the assisted living facility they both call home.
To help support the event, Amy Beito, Fargo/Moorhead campus director, sent out communications to staff and faculty encouraging them to volunteer during work hours.
“The campus received representation from every department, including admissions, financial services, support services and academics,” said Robert Neuteboom, Fargo/Moorhead campus academic dean.
“Day of Caring is really an extension of the many ways in which we have supported the nonprofit this year,” said Neuteboom, who also serves as the campaign committee member, campaign coordinator and loaned executive volunteer for the United Way.
The campus is currently running a United Way Casual Friday from October to December to raise donations. Additionally, the campus delivered backpacks and school supplies to the United Way’s School Supply Drive in August.
The United Way serves the community in many ways, and supports many groups and charitable organizations with the money it raises. It uses local advocacy to provide basic needs, like school supplies, education, income stability and health to many people in need. Last year, the campus donated $1,635 and contributed to the United Way meeting its $5.2 million goal. This year, the United Way has increased its goal to $5.5 million. The campus is trying to see how it can help the community by trying to match last year’s contribution.
Check out this story about Community Service Day to learn more about ways Rasmussen College is involved in the surrounding communities.